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Industry NewsNews > Industry News > The reason why the PCBA industry began to popularize UV three-proof adhesive    

The reason why the PCBA industry began to popularize UV three-proof adhesive

Hits:1  Add Date:2022/2/12

1. Since the solvent-based UV three-proofadhesive contains organic solvents, the main components of organic solventsinclude toluene, ethyl acetate, acetone, butanone, butyl ester, cyclohexane,n-hexane, methanol, hydrocarbon, ether, some of which are Chemical substancescan cause harm to the human body and belong to high-risk products, which iscontrary to the sustainable development strategy advocated by the state, andmore and more such products will be banned from production and use;

2. When enterprises use solvent-based UVthree-proof adhesives, in order to meet the national environmental protectionrequirements, they will add equipment for recycling organic solvents at theback end of manufacturing to prevent organic solvents from volatilizing intothe air as much as possible. Therefore, back-end governance will increase themanufacturing process and cost of the enterprise;

3. Because the solid solution content of solvent-basedUV three-proof adhesive is generally around 25-50%. Taking 25% solid content asan example, if an enterprise actually wants to use 100ml of UV three-proofpaint, it must purchase 400ml of solvent-based UV three-proof glue (100/0.25).100% solid solution, buy as much as you use), the actual purchase cost willincrease a lot, resulting in an increase in manufacturing costs.

In summary, solvent-free UV three-proofadhesive will be the trend of use in the PCBA industry, and will inevitablyreplace the traditional solvent-based UV three-proof adhesive.

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